
The Alberta Correctional Education Association (ACEA) is dedicated to the academic, vocational, and personal development of incarcerated persons and the professional enhancement of Association members

Mission Statement:

The Alberta Correctional Education Association (ACEA) is dedicated to the academic, vocational and personal development of incarcerated persons and the professional enhancement of association members.

Core Principles and Guiding Values:

  • Every person has potential to learn.
  • We believe education contributes to the growth and development of the incarcerated persons by directing the learning process, stimulating intellectual curiosity and promoting lifelong learning.
  • We believe education has a responsibility to challenge incarcerated persons’ understanding of themselves, their abilities, values and aspirations while respecting culture, language, spirituality, and tradition

Every Person has Potential to Become a More Responsible Citizen:

  • We believe that an effective way to address crime and crime prevention is to provide education that promotes moral, social and personal skills along with a responsibility to self, family and the larger community.
  • We believe criminal behaviour is most often a choice; appropriate educational programs influence incarcerated persons to make alternate, pro-social and ethical decisions.
  • We believe education promotes incarcerated persons self-discipline, self-worth, self-confidence, values and morals, thereby encouraging responsible citizenship.
  • We believe the community has a responsibility to promote, through education, the reintegration of incarcerated persons into society.

Correctional Education is Unique:

  • We believe correctional education provides holistic education to address the social, moral, personal, vocational cultural and spiritual needs and academic needs of incarcerated persons.
  • We believe correctional educators are professionals who have developed skills necessary to teach effectively in a demanding subculture that is security-oriented, high risk and controlled.
  • We believe correctional education meets the diverse requirements of numerous stakeholders.

Professional Associations Contribute to Growth and Development of the Members:

  • We believe the Alberta Correctional Education Association (ACEA) maintains and d
  • evelops professional standards through the creation and use of its constitution, publications, in-services, research and anticipation of the future needs of its members.
  • We believe the sharing and networking of knowledge, ideas, values and experience provided through ACEA and its activities is of benefit to both the members and stakeholders.
  • We believe the members of ACEA are the major resource and strength in achieving correctional education mandates.